Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Feeling Cold? Maybe You're Lonely

Title: Feeling Cold? Maybe You're Lonely
Category: Health News
Created: 9/17/2008
Last Editorial Review: 9/17/2008

Sinus surgery may have to be done to clean out the accumulated mucus and infection and to enlarge the drain hole to allow better mucus drainage.

Causes of Sinus Infection

Treatment of Sinus Infection

As the sinus infection clears up, the sinus headaches should disappear. In the meantime, over-the-counter pain relievers, decongestants and saline nasal spray might help you feel better. Use these products only as directed. It may help to drink plenty of fluids as well.

Silver Sinus was developed specifically to address these findings. When you go to a doctor looking for a sinus infection cure, the normal course of action is to prescribe antibiotics.

Most cases of acute sinusitis start with a common cold, which is caused by a virus. Colds can inflame your sinuses and cause symptoms of sinusitis. Both the cold and the sinus inflammation usually go away without treatment within 2 weeks. If the inflammation produced by the cold leads to a bacterial infection, however, then this infection is what health experts call acute sinusitis.

Sinus infection, or sinusitis, is an inflammation of the sinuses and nasal passages. A sinus infection can cause a headache or pressure in the eyes, nose, cheek area, or on one side of the head. A person with a sinus infection may also have a cough, a fever, bad breath, and nasal congestion with thick nasal secretions. Sinusitis is categorized as acute (sudden onset) or chronic (long term, the most common type).

There are also various kinds of bacteria that can also cause sinus infections. In addition the cilia, which are small hairs in the nasal passages and sinus cavities that help to move mucous out of the nasal area, can get damaged by smoke, lack of humidity or other causes. When this happens the mucous stagnates and becomes a perfect area for bacteria to grow and start an infection. Allergies to food and other substances can also be a cause of food allergies.

The sinuses (say: sy-nus-is) are air-filled spaces found in the bones of the head and face. Sinuses start developing before you are born and some of them keep growing until you're about 20. There are four pairs of sinuses, or eight in all. They are located on either side of the nose in your cheeks, behind and between the eyes, in the forehead, and at the back of the nasal cavity.

Fungus infection is known to cause sinus infection. Fungi are found profusely in our environment but it is harmless to humans as we have a natural resistance to fungi. But you must beware of the common black mold which we may find in our homes. Black mold can only proliferate in moist and damp areas. These are the areas where natural sunlight cannot reach. If nothing is done and you breathe in these mold spores regularly, your body's natural immune system could fall drastically.

Acute sinusitis usually follows a viral infection in the upper respiratory tract, but
allergens (allergy-causing substances), or pollutants may also trigger acute sinusitis. A viral infection causes damage to the cells of the sinus lining, which leads to inflammation. The lining thickens with fluid that obstructs the nasal passage. This passage connects to the sinuses.

Sinus Infection - Causes of Sinus Infection

allergic sinusitis headache
acute sinusitis
allergic sinus
acute sinusitis Infection
allergic sinusitis treaments

Keppra XR Approved for Partial-Onset Seizures

Title: Keppra XR Approved for Partial-Onset Seizures
Category: Health News
Created: 9/16/2008 2:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 9/16/2008

Put 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar in 8 oz. water. Add two pinches of salt. Shake it well and put 2-3 drops into each nostril, it is an effective remedy to get rid of stuffy nose.

Saltwater rinses and saline sprays can prove helpful in keeping the mucus thin and thus helpful to get rid of irritants. You can buy many nasal sprays from any of the drug store or you can either make it at home. To make the spray you need to dissolve the teaspoon salt in 2 cup of warm water. Now, use the suction bulb to place the solution in your nose and put some of the warm salt water in cup of your hand and sniff it up. You can do it once with one of your nostril.

Best thing to get rid of stuffy nose is to avoid tobacco and smoking. Cigarette smoking can damage the lining of sinuses and cause swelling in the sinus membranes. Many smokers' suffer from chronic sinusitis.

You can take hot chicken soup when you're suffering from a cold because it gives you the energy and calming feeling to continue on.

It may associate with some symptoms but the most irritating one is stuffy nose. Whenever you have stuffy nose you may feel difficulty in breathing and sleeping becomes torture. It may also associate a kind of heaviness feeling in head. As it takes time to go away but you can help you to get rid of this problem by using some simple home remedies.

Stuffy nose or running nose is common problems that are experienced by everyone and usually many times a year. You might have running nose because of cold, flu or seasonal allergies. Whenever the winter starts, most of the people fall prey from the problem of cough and cold.

Most of us have common notion that stuffy nose is due to thick mucus in the nasal passage. A stuffy nose can be caused by any of illness but it can be generally caused by two problem- bacterial sinusitis and fungal sinusitis.

Get Rid of Stuffy Nose

Here are some effective tips that can help you to relief from running nose and breathe more easily.

Take some cardamom seeds and crush them. Now, put it in the handkerchief. Tie it properly and place it near the pillow it will prove helpful in relieving stuffy nose.

allergic sinusitis
allergic sinusitis methods
treatment methods for allergic sinusitis
acute sinusitis
acute sinusitis Infection